FLAG-ERA funds 19 projects in synergy with the FET Flagships
FLAG-ERA is pleased to announce the results of its first Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2015). 19 transnational projects were selected for funding after evaluation by an independent international scientific evaluation panel supported by external reviewers. The selected research projects include 13 projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and 6 with the Human Brain Project (HBP), for a total budget of € 9.9 million and € 3.6 million, respectively.
Among the 13 projects related to the Graphene Flagship, four are in the scientific area of advanced nanofabrication and spintronics, three are in the area of new layered materials and heterostructures, while the others cover various areas: immunogenomics and proteomics; biological and chemical sensors; functional coatings; nanofluidic applications; computational modelling of devices and systems and prototypes.
Concerning the projects related to HBP, four out of the six funded projects will contribute to the understanding of brain functioning through a targeted mapping of the mouse or human brains. The other two projects are in the areas of theoretical neuroscience and neuroinformatics.
Read the full news release here.
A full list of projects recommended for funding is available here.
More details can be found on the official call page.