FLAG-ERA recommends for funding 4 projects building on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots
FLAG-ERA is pleased to announce the results of its second Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2016). This call aims to build on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots in the domains of Cooperative Robots, Digital Medicine for Cancer, High Efficiency Sensor Networks, and ICT for Social Sciences. For each topic one project has been selected and is recommended for funding. Funding ranges from 1.5 to 2.8 M€ per project, for a total of 9.3 M€, provided by funding organisations in nine European countries. Partners from eight additional European countries also participate in the projects using their own funding.
The 4 selected projects will start in early 2017 for a duration of three years. They will leverage efforts of a large number of organisations in Europe, and altogether directly involve more than 60 different organisations. They will showcase federative activities with the potential to leverage other relevant initiatives and to develop a long-lasting coordination of a large cluster of European and international research centres sharing the proposed unifying vision. They will focus on transformative activities with a high potential impact, in particular through changes of organisation and practices. They will also organise networking activities with research communities interested in the topic and deliver plans and recommendations to further develop activities and collaborations, in order to reach maximum impact.
These projects are thus expected to lead to larger initiatives in the long term, in the framework of the FET Flagship programme or beyond. In particular, three of them are related to two proposals submitted to the open consultation for new FET Flagships organised by the European Commission, namely the RoboCom++ and Future of Health Care Flagship proposals. More generally, the projects will provide a platform for sustained interactions between research communities and funding organisations on the four topics of the call and are expected to play an important role in the development of the cooperative model initiated by the FET Flagship programme.
Read the pdf version here.
A full list of funded projects and partners is available here.
More details can be found on the official call page .