JTC 2017 Expression of Interest

Potential partner looking for a project

Main topic(s) of interest : Graphene (Basic Research), Graphene (Applied Research and Innovation), HBP (Basic and Applied Research)

Brief description of expertise :

Sakarya University has been working on producing graphene oxide and graphene to develop graphene-based electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage applications. Recently, the research fields have been extended to the exfoliation of other 2D materials, such as MoS2 and 2D Ti3C2. The research group has been involved in international and national projects funded by Era-Net, EIG-Japan Concert, FP7, Horizon Europe, and TUBITAK since 2010. As a result, the research group has excellent expertise in producing 2D materials and carrying out their physical characterization. Our research group can take responsibility for exfoliating 2D materials and material characterization for the possible project partnership.

Keywords : MoS2, Graphene, Mxene

First Name : Tugrul

Last Name : Cetinkaya

Country : Turkey

E-mail address : tcetinkaya@sakarya.edu.tr

Telephone : 05556233694

Project holder looking for a partner

Main topic(s) of interest : HBP (Basic and Applied Research)

Brief description of project :

Our FLAGERA-HBP consortium is urgently looking for a partner interested in doing computational modeling and/or data analysis of neurobiological mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease. As current partners are from France and the Netherlands, we are looking for potential partners from any of the other participating countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Israel, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkiye or Taiwan). Please reach out as soon as possible to Jorge Mejias (j.f.mejias@uva.nl) if interested.

Keywords : Alzheimers disease, data analysis, computational modeling

Expertise sought : data analysis or computational modeling

First Name : Jorge

Last Name : Mejias

Country : Netherlands

E-mail address : j.f.mejias@uva.nl

Potential partner looking for a project

Main topic(s) of interest : HBP (Basic and Applied Research)

Brief description of expertise :

Human intracranial (SEEG) and scalp EEG recordings, including simultaneous recordings
Intracranial electrical stimulation (single-pulse, high-frequency)
Cortico-cortical evoked potentials
Effective connectivity based on responses to intracranial stimulation
Functional connectivity using spontaneous and evoked activity
Computational abilities related to the above topics.

Keywords : SEEG, direct cortical stimulation, connectivity

First Name : Andrei

Last Name : Barborica

Country : Romania

E-mail address : andrei.barborica@fizica.unibuc.ro

Telephone : +40771226939

Potential partner looking for a project

Main topic(s) of interest : HBP (Basic and Applied Research)

Brief description of expertise :

We are interested in understanding the neuromodulatory role of hypothalamic systems, such as oxytocin (OXT) and vasopressin (AVP) in regulating synaptic transmission, plasticity and behavior. We employ state-of-the-art techniques such as:

Optogenetics and electrophysiological recordings
In vivo molecular and genetic manipulations
Behavioral assays (social behavior, detection of social odors, sociability, etc,...)
3D Light Sheet imaging and iDisco for circuit reconstruction

We carry out several research lines:

1. Analyzing the molecular mechanisms and dynamics of OXT-containing vesicles
2. Understanding the development and specification of OXT and AVP systems
3. Studying the neuromodulatory role of OXT in synaptic transmission and plasticity
4. Exploring the function of OXT release in social behavior
5. Describing the properties of hypothalmic aging and degeneration

Keywords : Autism; oxytocin; hypothalamic circuits; social behavior; aging; neurodegenerative disorders, 3D imaging, brain clarification, iDISCO

First Name : Sandra

Last Name : Jurado

Country : Spain

E-mail address : sjurado@umh.es

Telephone : +34 965233743