The Graphene Flagship has published a science and technology roadmap, targeting research areas designed to take graphene and related 2d materials from academic laboratories into society. The roadmap covers the next 10 years and beyond, and its objective is to guide the research community and industry toward the development of products based on graphene and … Continue reading “Graphene Flagship publishes a science and technology roadmap for 10 years to come”
The aim of the Call that closes on 3 July 2015 is to fund, via the European Commission, 4 systems & cognitive neuroscience projects. The total level of funding is of 8.9 M EUR. Several national information days are organised to inform potential applicants of the objectives and modalities of the Call. More information on … Continue reading “HBP Call for Expressions of Interest on “Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience””
The FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015 was closed on January 27th 2015. The proposals will be assessed by an independent international Scientific Evaluation Panel (SEP) with the help of external reviewers, experts in the Flagship topic/areas. The final funding decision by the National and/or Regional Research Funding Organisations (NRFOs) participating in the JTC … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 is closed”
A Partner Search Tool is available on the FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 Call page of the website. With this tool, it is possible to indicate your interest in finding additional partners for your projects or indicate your willingness to join a project in either the Human Brain Project or The Graphene Flagship topics. You can view … Continue reading “Partner search tool available for FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015”
The research funding organisations gathered in FLAG-ERA kick-start their support instruments to the FET Flagships. The FLAG-ERA Consortium launches a dedicated joint call for proposals worth 18.5 M EUR on 27 October 2014. In parallel, FLAG-ERA announces the launch of Association Mechanisms for integration of nationally and regionally funded research into the Flagships work plans. … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA launches funding instruments in support of the Flagship initiatives on Graphene and Human Brain”
FLAG-ERA (the Flagship ERA-NET) will issue its first Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for collaborative research projects on October 27th, 2014. It comprises two topics, each dedicated to supporting research projects in synergy with one of the two FET Flagships, the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project. It is designed to expand the current Flagships … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2015 Pre-announcement”