On October 1st, 2020, FLAG-ERA published the pre-announcement of its fourth Joint Transnational Call in support of projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project. The call aims to add a fourth wave of transnational partnering projects to support and extend these two FET Flagship initiatives. The full call announcement is … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA pre-announces its fourth call for transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project”
In view of the Covid19 crisis, that has a strong impact on research around the world, the FLAG-ERA consortium is currently examining different contingency measures that could be put in place. More precise information will be given at the end of the confinement measures that are currently in application in many European and associated countries.
The four Flagship Pilot projects presented the results of their projects that started in 2016 during a workshop hosted by MIUR in Rome on the 25th of February 2020. CONVERGENCE, started with a remote presentation on their project “Frictionless energy efficient convergent wearables for healthcare and lifestyle applications”. The consortium is currently in the phase … Continue reading “Final workshop for JTC 2016 FLAGSHIP pilot projects”
FLAG-ERA organizes the JTC 2019 Kick-off meeting, JTC2017 Follow-up meeting and RRI workshop in Bucharest on May 4-6, 2020. The event will consist of a graphene themed session on May 4, 2020 and a HBP themed session on May 6, 2020. Both session will include a topic specific RRI workshops. You may consult the FLAGERA_Kickoff-flyer-web-option-2-v4. … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA JTC 2019 Kick-off meeting, JTC 2017 Follow-up meeting & RRI workshop”
FLAG-ERA organizes the JTC 2016 Project Seminar in Rome at the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on February 25, 2020. The event will be a one-day seminar where the four funded projects will show the FLAG-ERA funding organisations and the other JTC 2016 projects coordinators/representatives the work they carried out during the project. … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 project follow-up and monitoring”
The FLAG-ERA consortium has prepared a document in order to guide selected projects into the next steps of the implementation of their project. Please read the FLAG-ERA JTC2019 funded project – Important information.