Archives Highlights


FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 Project Kick-off Seminar

April 28th, 2017 – FLAG-ERA organized a kick off meeting in Riga (Latvia) to present the 4 projects (CONVERGENCE, FuturICT 2.0, ITFoC and RoboCom++) selected in the FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2016 (JTC 2016). These projects aim to build on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots in the domains of Cooperative Robots, Digital … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 Project Kick-off Seminar”


FLAG-ERA launches its second call for transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project

On January 11, 2017, FLAG-ERA published the announcement of its second Joint Transnational Call in support of projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project. The call aims to add a second wave of transnational partnering projects to support and extend these two FET Flagship initiatives. In order to present the … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA launches its second call for transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project”


FLAG-ERA announces its second call for transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project

On December 6, 2016, FLAG-ERA published the pre-announcement of its second Joint Transnational Call in support of projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project. The call aims to add a second wave of transnational partnering projects to support and extend these two FET Flagship initiatives. The full call announcement will … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA announces its second call for transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project”


FLAG-ERA recommends for funding 4 projects building on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots

FLAG-ERA is pleased to announce the results of its second Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2016). This call aims to build on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots in the domains of Cooperative Robots, Digital Medicine for Cancer, High Efficiency Sensor Networks, and ICT for Social Sciences. For each topic one project has … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA recommends for funding 4 projects building on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots”


First joint ‘spintronics’ meeting between Graphene Flagship and 5 FLAG-ERA funded projects

The Graphene Flagship includes a Spintronics Work Package exploring the ultimate potential of graphene and two-dimensional materials for spintronic applications. The next revolution will come when using spin for processing information in computers. The participants of this initiative are meeting on May 24 and 25 at the Bellaterra Campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona … Continue reading “First joint ‘spintronics’ meeting between Graphene Flagship and 5 FLAG-ERA funded projects”


Presentations of FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 Project Kick-off Seminar available

On the 13th and 14th of April 2016, the FLAG-ERA Consortium organized a Seminar in Budapest to kick off the research projects funded through the Joint Transnational  Call (JTC) 2015. Each project representative was invited to present the research plan of the project during a 20 minute presentation. In total, all 6 projects funded in … Continue reading “Presentations of FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 Project Kick-off Seminar available”