On the 13th and 14th of April, the FLAG-ERA Consortium organizes a Kick off Seminar to mark the start of the 19 projects that were selected through the Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015. The investigators involved in the funded projects are invited to present their research plans to an audience of funders, fellow investigators and … Continue reading “Kick off funded projects JTC 2015”
Individual project sheets have been published recently for each of the 19 projects funded through the FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015. The sheets contain information on the total project funding, consortium partners as well as the project abstract and key-words. They can be viewed at the page The FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call closed … Continue reading “Project sheets of JTC 2015 published”
Recently, the Estonian Research Council (ETAg) and Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MZOS) have decided to participate in the JTC 2016. ETAg will participate in all 4 topics with a budget of 50 K€ per topic, while the MZOS will participate in the ‘Cooperative Robots’ topic with a budget of 125 K€ . These … Continue reading “Estonian (ETAg) and Croatian (MZOS) research funding organisations join the FLAG-ERA JTC 2016”
FLAG-ERA stands for the ‘Flagship ERA-Net’ and is a network of national and regional funding organisations from Europe and beyond. Participating countries in the FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 are for a total call budget of approximatively 14 M€*. In the process of selecting the first two Flagships, namely the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA launches Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2016”
At the latest FLAG-ERA Project Workshop that took place from 28 to 30 September 2015 in Madrid, the General Assembly of FLAG-ERA voted in favour of accepting the Academy of Finland (AKA) as a new member. The organisation was granted the status of Associate Member and was invited to give a presentation. It appeared that … Continue reading “Academy of Finland joins FLAG-ERA”
Update: Read the article about the event published by ‘Research Italy’: https://www.researchitaly.it/en/understanding/press-media/news/flag-era-jtc-2016-networking-event/ On 9 December 2015, FLAG-ERA organised a networking event for potential applicants to the upcoming Joint Transnational Call (JTC 2016). This event took place from 9h30 to 16h30 at the unique historic buildings of MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) in … Continue reading “FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 Networking Event– Rome”