
First joint ‘spintronics’ meeting between Graphene Flagship and 5 FLAG-ERA funded projects

The Graphene Flagship includes a Spintronics Work Package exploring the ultimate potential of graphene and two-dimensional materials for spintronic applications. The next revolution will come when using spin for processing information in computers. The participants of this initiative are meeting on May 24 and 25 at the Bellaterra Campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), in an event organised by ICREA Research Prof. Stephan Roche, Group Leader at ICN2 and Deputy Leader of the Spintronics Work Package. This will be the first joint meeting between the Flagship consortium and representatives of the 5 projects related to spintronics selected in the FLAG-ERA JTC 2015.

The 5 projects funded through the FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 are :


To read more, please refer to :