FLAG-ERA finances 25 projects in synergy with the FET Flagships
FLAG-ERA, the Flagship ERA-NET, will fund 25 transnational projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project as a result of its fourth Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2019).
FLAG-ERA is pleased to announce the results of its fourth Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2019). 25 transnational projects were selected for funding after evaluation by an independent international scientific evaluation panel supported by external reviewers. The selected research projects include 16 projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and 9 with the Human Brain Project (HBP), for a total budget of € 16.4 million. The general success rate of the call and the success rate in each subcall is 30%.
Among the 16 projects related to the Graphene Flagship, 9 are in the Basic Research subcall and 7 in the Applied Research and Innovation subtopic. In the Basic Research subcall, projects are focused on sensors from Graphene and related materials (GRMs) and their heterostructures, synthesis and characterization of layered materials beyond graphene, GRMs for Quantum Technologies, spin torque and layered-materials-based memory building block and synthesis of monolayers of non-layered compounds. In the Applied Research and Innovation subcall, projects will be dedicated to sensors from GRMs and their heterostructures, synthesis and characterization of layered materials beyond graphene, nanofluidics based on GRMs, LIDAR based on GRMs for autonomous vehicles, GRM-based tandem solar modules and soft graphene-based materials for tissue engineering.
Concerning the 9 projects related to HBP, focus will be placed on reconstruction of neuronal morphology from microscopic image data, the development and maturation of cognitive processes and multisensory integration at micro- and macro-scales, testing neuronal models at multiple scales, testing neuronal models at multiple scales, disease modeling and simulation, subcortical structures – from cognition to action and the neuroscience of decision-making.
Consult the full list of FLAG-ERA JTC2019 funded projects and partners.