FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 Project Kick-off Seminar
April 28th, 2017 – FLAG-ERA organized a kick off meeting in Riga (Latvia) to present the 4 projects (CONVERGENCE, FuturICT 2.0, ITFoC and RoboCom++) selected in the FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2016 (JTC 2016). These projects aim to build on the efforts of the initial FET Flagship Pilots in the domains of Cooperative Robots, Digital Medicine for Cancer, High Efficiency Sensor Networks and ICT for Social Sciences. The four coordinators presented their projects to an assembly composed of project and funding agencies representatives. Speakers not only presented the specifics of the planned research, but also emphasized the role this research will play in laying the groundwork to prepare a much larger initiative such as a future Flagship initiative.