FLAG-ERA JTC 2017 Project Kick-off Seminar

On the 21th and 22th of March 2018, the FLAG-ERA Consortium organized a Seminar at the MINECO headquarters in Madrid to mark the start of the 23 projects that were selected through the Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2017.

Two sessions were proposed: one dedicated to projects in support of the Graphene Flagship and one to the projects related to Human Brain Project. At the beginning of each session, the European commissionFLAG-ERA and SCOPE presented the landscape, association mechanisms, and funding and networking opportunities for the funded projects.

Each project representative was invited to present the goals of their project research during a 10 minute presentation. In total, all 6 projects funded in the topic in synergy with the Human Brain Project and the 17 projects in the field of the Graphene Flagship (9 Basic and 8 Applied Research) were presented.  Each project presentation was followed by a short Q&A session to allow for interaction with the audience. The individual project presentations can be viewed below.

Graphene Basic Research Topic

Graphene Applied Research Topic

Human Brain Project topic

More information about the FLAG-ERA JTC 2017 Project Kick-off Seminar.