FLAG-ERA will fund 13 transnational projects as a result of its fifth Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2021)
FLAG-ERA is pleased to announce the results of its fifth Joint Transnational Call (FLAG-ERA JTC 2021). 13 transnational projects were selected for funding after evaluation by independent international scientific evaluation panels supported by external reviewers. The selected research projects include 10 projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and 3 with the Human Brain Project (HBP), for a total budget of € 9.67 million euros.
Among the 10 projects related to the Graphene Flagship, 7 are in the Basic Research subcall (25% success rate) and 3 in the Applied Research and Innovation subtopic (33% success rate). The success rate for the HBP related subcall is 43%.
The FLAG-ERA consortium is happy to report that 69% of the projects recommended for funding include a partner from a widening country.
Consult the full list of FLAG-ERA JTC2021 funded projects and partners.