RoboCom, which stands for Robot Companions for Citizens, is a unique federated multi-disciplinary endeavor to develop and deploy a new generation of robots. It proposes an unprecedented S&T Research Programme establishing a bridge between science and sustainable welfare and is designed to capitalize on the synergy resulting from the convergence of science and engineering, as reflected in the structure centred on five Pillars: Matter (Materials); Body (Morphological Computation); Brain (Simplexity); Mind (Sentience) and Society (Society, Ethics and Law).
Robot Companions for Citizens is an ecology of sentient machines that aims at helping and assisting humans in the broadest possible sense to support and sustain our welfare. They will be cognizant and aware of their physical and social world and respond accordingly.
RoboCom involves a wide range of external experts in its working groups, its Advisory Board, and in its European and International Cooperation board. The RoboCom consortium believes that given the potential transformative and disruptive effects of RCC in our society their development and deployment has to be based on a the broadest possible support platform.
Institutions, research groups and prospective funders from Europe or global which might be interested in joining and\or supporting Robocom development are invited to contact the FLAG-ERA WP6 Leader, prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli (e.guglielmelli@unicampus.it) or the Robocom Liaison Group Leader, (Paolo Dario, paolo.dario@sssup.it) for more information on the ongoing research activities