JTC 2017 Information Day Afternoon Session

FLAG-ERA organises an Information and Networking Day for the Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2017 on January 12th, 2017, in Madrid at the Centro cultural “La Corrala”. A webcast of the event is planned (for the plenary sessions).

This event will bring together researchers interested in the JTC 2017 topics as well as representatives of the funding organisations participating in the call. The JTC 2017 focuses on selected research areas in the domains of the Graphene Flagship (with specific sub-calls for basic research and for applied research) and of the Human Brain Project (with one sub-call for basic and applied research). Funding organisations from 17 countries participate for the Graphene topic and 12 for HPB topic. More information can be found in the call pre-announcement.

The objective of the event is to give information about JTC 2017 and to enable researchers to network and exchange ideas in view of building consortia. The event will consist of a plenary session for presenting the JTC 2017, followed by a poster session where researchers can present their work and exchange ideas, and a closing plenary session. A preliminary version of the agenda can be downloaded here:

If you wish to attend the JTC 2017 Information and Networking Day, please fill in the registration form. To ease the organisation, please do so at your earliest convenience. Participation is free of charge but registration is required.

Specific questions on the Information and Networking Day can be addressed to Watse Castelein (era-ict@mineco.es) and Severino Falcon (severino.falcon@mineco.es).