Title of opportunity
Call for research projectsCountry/Region
BelgiumGeographical coverage
Fund for Scientific Research - FNRSMINECO HBP MINECO Graphene ANR Graphene ANR HBP FOM National innovation Office
Contact name
Joël GroeneveldContact phone number
003225049270Contact email address
joel.groeneveld@frs-fnrs.beCurrent status
OpenTypes of research supported
- Basic
Type of call/programme
- Open call (bottom-up approach)
This is the yearly call for research projects. The call is open to all scientific disciplines. Budgetary limits apply, please check the rules and regulations.
Eligibility rules: permanent researchers of the FNRS, or reserachers with a permanent status at the universities of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.
Regional: only reserachers affiliated to a university of the French-speaking Community are eligible.
Weblink to call details
http://www.frs-fnrs.be/index.php/news-fnrs/500-ouverture-appel-credits-et-projetsStart date
27/05/2016End date
AnnualInternal notes
The call on research projects was 'skipped' in 2016 because of budgetary reasons. The start and end date of the call in 2017 may still vary a little. A Lead Agency Procedure for this call is being prepared with the Swiss SNSF, allowing Belgian and Swiss researchers to do joint research projects.