MATIMOP – Israeli Industry Center For R&D (Matimop-ISERD) – Israel
Israel Europe R&D Directorate for the European Framework Programme (ISERD) is an inter-ministerial non-profit directorate, founded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Science, the Council for Higher Education Planning and Budgeting Committee, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ISERD was appointed to promote the Israeli participation in the European Union Framework Program for R&D. Playing a vital role in future policy and collaborative efforts concerning RTD programs between the EU and Israel, ISERD coordinates the activities of Israel’s delegates to the various program committees managing the FP. ISERD representatives have also been operating as the Israeli National Contact Points since the 4th Framework Program.
Partner’s qualification for the project:
- ISERD has participated in previous Era-Net and Era-Nets+ projects such as Piano+, OLAE+ and Eco-Innovera.
- ISERD is Participating in the Fleet and the Cofet projects- both CSA in the FET field.
- ISERD representatives participate in the Framework Programme management committees and have been operating as the Israeli National Contact Point since the 4th Framework Program.
- ISERD services provide assistance, guidance and training to Israel’s RTD community in industry and research institutions interested in participating in FP projects (including projects in the ICT theme).