Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (MESR) – France
MESR (French higher education and research ministry) is one of the two French ministries in charge of education and the leading French ministries in charge of research. MESR is structured in two main general directorates: DGSIP and DGRI.
The “Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation” (DGRI) (Directorate for Research & Innovation) prepares research relevant policies and orientations and verify its implementation. It oversees many research organisations, universities and the French Research Council (ANR). Its budget dedicated to research amounts to 7,86 G€ for 2013. At the European level, DGRI is in the lead ministry in establishing the French position on research relevant EU policies.
Contact Persons:
Frédéric Laurent : frederic.laurent(at)recherche.gouv.fr