Agencia Estatal de Investigación-AEI – Spain
The Spanish State Research Agency, AEI-Agencia Estatal de Investigación is a public funding agency created by a Royal Decree on November 2015. The AEI belongs to the Ministry of Science and Innovation and it is responsible for the proposal, management, monitoring and evaluation of the State programmes and the strategic actions of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and for Innovation 2017-2020. All these action of the Plan are performed under the Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2020. The Agency purpose is to evaluate, manage, finance and then monitoring technical research activities (mainly research projects) intended to generate, exchange and exploit knowledge as fostered by Central State Government. The Agency objectives comprise the fostering of scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the efficient allocation of public resources, the promotion of excellence, duly encouraging cooperation between the System agents and providing support for generating high impact scientific and technical, economic and social knowledge, including the most serious societal challenges. As well, the Agency has established agreements with other public or private, national or international entities/bodies, in order to promote the R&D and innovation within the implicit range of its purpose and objectives.
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