Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) – Slovakia
The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) is a self-governing scientific institution, aimed at excellent basic, strategic and applied research in Slovakia. SAS consist of 56 research institutes which are independent legal entities. SAS governs the total budget of more than 60 Mio. Euro. Significant part of this amount is distributed on the competitive principle via annual project calls. The scientific policy of SAS supports interdisciplinary research and collaboration with research teams at Universities and with the industry.
A part of the budget is reserved for international research cooperation within the schemes such as FP EU, ERA-Net, Horizon 2020 COST, ESA. SAS supports both basic as well as strategic knowledge-oriented research activities. In particular, projects stimulating cooperation with industry and industrial applications are in focus. SAS has established a mechanism for evaluation and support of the projects within the ERA-Net scheme based on evaluation of scientific excellence of proposed projects.
The funding supports multidisciplinarity and synergy effects stemming from international cooperation with the emphasis on incorporation of post docs and young researchers. The duration of funding is based on the individual project needs (as a rule, several years). SAS has an expertise concerning ERA.NETs projects not only in the field of nano materials and Nano science and nanotechnology (NanoSci-ERA.NET 2005-2010, NanoSci-EPlus since 2008, MNT ERA.NET 2005-2008, MNT ERA.NET II since 20208, M-ERA.NET) but also in ERA.NETs in other scientific fields including Horizon 2020 ( TRANSCAN II, EraCoSysMed, etc.) The participation of SAS in the abovementioned ERA-Nets projects have been based on the official mandate of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic for the SAS to act as R and D programme owner and manager. Selection procedures for the applications have been established and approved by the SAS Presidium.
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