The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TUBITAK) – Turkey
TUBITAK founded in 1963, is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey. It is a governmental body which operates under the fold of the Prime Ministry with adequate administrative and financial autonomy. The Council’s decision-making body is the Science Board. The President, as the person of the Science Board, implements its decisions and is the head of the entire administration. TUBITAK’s mission is to develop scientific and technological policies in line with national priorities and in cooperation with all sectors and related establishments; contribute to establishment of infrastructure and instruments to implement set policies; support and conduct research and development activities; and to play a leading role in the creation of a science and technology culture with the aim of improving the competitive power and prosperity of the country. TUBITAK also publishes scientific journals, popular science magazines and books, organises science and society activities and supports undergraduate and graduate students through scholarships. TUBITAK has 3751 employees, 2089 of which are R&D personnel in its 15 different institutes where contract research as well as targeted and nation-wide research is conducted. TUBITAK funds research projects carried out in universities and other public and private organisations via two directorates:
Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB) which carries out support programme for Industry/Business
Academic Research Funding Programmes Directorate (ARDEB) which carries out support programme for Research and Education Community
Both bottom up and top down programmes are available, in order to cover all disciplines. FET related issues are funded by Academic Research Funding Programmes Directorate (ARDEB). General calls are opened two times a year. Research proposals are submitted to one of the nine grant committees such as Electrical, Electronics and Informatics Grant Committee and Basic Sciences Grant Committee, as appropriate for the research area. The projects related to information and communication technologies are generally submitted to “Electrical, Electronic and Informatics Gr ant Committee”.
TUBITAK“EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office” (TUBITAK NCO) is the national coordinating body of the EU Framework Programmes. TUBITAK has been involved in more than 30 ERANET Projects as a partner or work package leader.
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