The swedish governmental agency for innovation systems (Vinnova) – Sweden
VINNOVA – the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems – is Sweden’s innovation agency. Our mission is to promote sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovations, as well as funding needs-driven research.
VINNOVA’s vision is for Sweden to be a world-leading country in research and innovation, an attractive place in which to invest and conduct business. We promote collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector. We do this by stimulating a greater use of research, by making long-term investment in strong research and innovation milieus and by developing catalytic meeting places.
VINNOVA’s activities also focus on strengthening international cooperation. In order to increase our impact, we are also dedicated to interacting with other research financiers and innovationpromoting organisations.
Every year VINNOVA invests about SEK 2 billion in various initiatives. Since co-financing from actors must total at least the same amount, our funds have more than doubled. Funding decisions are made with assistance from national and international experts and there is on-going monitoring and evaluation of all initiatives. We carry out regular impact analysis to evaluate and draw lessons from the long-term impacts of VINNOVA’s efforts.
VINNOVA is a Swedish governmental agency working under the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and acts as the national contact agency for the EU Framework Programme for R&D. About 200 people work at VINNOVA´s offices in Stockholm and Brussels.
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