The Swedish research council (VR) – Sweden
The Swedish Research Council is Sweden’s largest financier of basic research and provides support for research projects of the highest academic quality in all scientific fields. Funding is allocated across research projects, infrastructures, fellowships, research environments, and various types of national and international collaboration. The Swedish Research Council is a governmental authority directed by a Governing Board, whose majority consists of active researchers.
The Director General heads the authority. Under the Board there are several special decision-making bodies that allocate funding to research and infrastructure within the framework of the Board’s decisions. These are The Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences, The Scientific Council for Medicine and Health, The Scientific Council for Natural and Engineering Sciences, The Committee for Educational Science, The Council for Research Infrastructures.
The Scientific Council for Natural and Engineering Sciences supports the best research as regards quality according to national priorities and the best researchers within the natural and engineering sciences. The Scientific Council also participates in international collaboration organisations and furthermore works on monitoring, evaluation and strategic work.
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