Unitatea Executiva pentru finantarea invatamantului superior, a cercetarii, dezvoltarii si inovarii (UEFISCDI) – Romania
The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is a public entity of the Central Administration under the ultimate authority of Ministry of National Education. UEFISCDI plays the role of executive agency for seven advisory councils of the MECTS with responsibilities in the fields of higher education, research, development and innovation. UEFISCDI implements, under the supervision of its advisory councils, five out of the six programmes of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2013 (PN II), i.e.: Human Resources (exploratory research), Ideas (exploratory research), Partnerships in Priority S&T Areas (applied research), Innovation (innovation and technology transfer) and Capacities.
UEFISCDI is involved in 20 international projects, most of them under ERA-NET Scheme/FP6 and FP7 and has strategic partnerships & cooperation agreements with several organisations, as follows: ESF, SNSF, ANR, DFG, NSF, USA. UEFISCDI is member of different European associations (EARMA, EARTO), offers support to SMEs by EUREKA, EUROSTARS, and administrates the Romanian participation to the Joint Technology initiatives – JTI/JU (ENIAC, Artemis, Clean Sky, Fuel Cells, IMI). Due to a large experience within ERA-NETs, South-East Europe framework and INTERREG IVC, UEFISCDI can bring real value in regards to lesson learnt in previous and on-going regional activities. UEFISCDI has coordinated BS ERA NET and has an extensive experience in coordinating and implementing European projects. Also, UEFISCDI has a great experience in joint implementation of a transnational calls from the preparation and the publication of the call to the evaluation, selection and funding of proposals as well as the project monitoring and follow-up between national or regional programs. UEFISCDI as National Research Funding Organisation (NRFO) will be involved in joint implementation of transnational calls from the preparation, publication and dissemination of the calls to the project monitoring and follow-up between national and transnational programs. UEFISCDI will participate in inventory of regional, national, European and international programmes, projects, initiatives and infrastructures in ICT selected domains and will contribute to create networking communities and stakeholder events.
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