Project sheets of JTC 2015 published
Individual project sheets have been published recently for each of the 19 projects funded through the FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015. The sheets contain information on the total project funding, consortium partners as well as the project abstract and key-words.
They can be viewed at the page
The FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call closed in January 2015. Funding organisations from 14 European countries committed funding for projects related to the Graphene Flagship and organisations from 11 countries did for projects related to HBP. Investigators based at universities, research institutions, SMEs and larger enterprises were invited to team up with their peers abroad to submit proposals in the area of the Flagships. The selected research projects include 13 projects in synergy with the Graphene Flagship and 6 with the Human Brain Project (HBP). More information on this call is available here: the page